I am in an APA league and last Thursday night I was able to kick out of all the safeties my opponent presented. ~Arthur A.
Great Job of explaining in a common sense, straight talk way "The Mysteries" otherwise known as Pool. ~ D. Gibbons
Your instuction methods I have viewed have helped me understand more than all the books and private lessons I have invested time and money in. ~ C. Gartland
Tor, I watched your videos about 4 times, I went to the club and tried the banks and kicks. WOW, every thing you taught on your video really works! ~ Oran
Thank you so much sir, I have never feel this good about improving my game until now. I have never seen anything like these videos...~ Wayne H
Each Zero-X instructional pool video focuses on different areas of Pool.
Pattern Play is for beginners to advanced players. This five-hour instructional video contains the same training that participants in the 14 Days Experiment go through.
Diamond Systems - Systems for 8-Ball and 9-Ball, covers all the more popular diamond systems for 8-Ball and 9-Ball. This video covers several of the systems that are in the Zero-X Kicking video along with a few new systems and two systems from world champion Mike Massey.
Kicking and Banking are for intermediate to advanced players. Each video utilizes easy-to-use systems for kicking and banking. Both videos use graphics to help make the entire learning process as easy as possible. This video set comes with a bonus video: Pool's Biggest Secrets Revealed 2, which is jam-packed with 3 hours of tips and tricks to help supercharge your 8-Ball and 9-Ball game.
Mike Massey's 50 Shots is for intermediate to advanced players. These aren't trick shots, these are shots designed to help you win more 8-Ball and 9-Ball games! This video is jam-packed with unusual shots all designed to get you out of trouble. "I've shown some of these shots to professionals and they didn't know the shot." ~ Mike Massey

3 DVDs or Digital Downloads
12 Instructional Videos: Covers all aspects of Pool / Includes two bonus videos and six eBooks!
Diamond Systems: This video covers diamond systems for 8-Ball and 9-Ball players.
Mental System for Pool Players: Sharpen your mental game!
155 Minutes
100 8-Ball Patterns
Each Run Out Explained in Detail
7 Hours 45 Minutes
Challenge Series
8-Ball, 9-Ball, 10-Ball, Defense
135 Minutes
Diamond Systems
Systems for 8-Ball and 9-Ball
102 Minutes
Mental System for Pool Players
Systems for 8-Ball and 9-Ball
6 Hour Collection
Kicking / Banking / Secrets 2
All Aspects of Pool Covered
Full 11 Hour Collection DVDs
Pattern Play +
Kicking / Banking / Secrets 2
95 Minutes
Mike Massey's 50 Shots
Shots Every Strong Player Needs to Know
158 Minutes
Kick Safe
SVB vs. Francisco Bustamante
6 Hours 44 Minutes
12 Instructional Videos
Fundamentals, Patterns to Breaking
5 Hour Collection
Pattern Play
All Aspects of Pool Covered
Full 11 Hour Collection Downloads
Pattern Play +
Kicking / Banking / Secrets 2